3 Truths You Need to Know About Prenuptial Agreements


Conversations about a prenuptial agreement can be a little scary for those about to be married. You never know how the other person will react to the idea. However, it is not a bad thing when you fully understand the benefits. It can be the one thing that brings you together even more. When you can openly discuss financial matters and put everything in order, you gain each other's trust, and you become more responsible in your expenditures.

So what does a prenup entail? A prenup is an agreement that couples make before they settle down in marriage. With a family lawyer's guidance, you can come together and decide how to manage your properties during the union and in case you end up divorcing. At the same time, you get a clear understanding of your legal rights when married and after divorce.

Below are the truths you need to know about a prenuptial agreement:

1. It Builds More Trust

Newlyweds might find it difficult to discuss their finances. However, this subject is unavoidable. A prenup can build more trust between couples as they enter marriage. It opens the ground for you and your spouse to have transparent and mature talks regarding the assets each of you owns. As a result, you build your communication and trust levels.

Additionally, taking this step protects you from conflicts that come about between couples during financial discussions. In other words, it helps to deal with unforeseen money issues before they arise.

2. It Helps Specify Roles and Expectations for Each Partner

As much as a prenup is an agreement of asset distribution during marriage and divorce, it is also a good time for a couple to spell out roles and define their expectations in the marriage. For instance, you can decide to open a joint bank account to save money for your joint investments. 

Apart from joining accounts, you can have separate accounts for your personal needs. Additionally, the document outlines how you will split bills in your home. As long as these areas are tackled, each person will know what is expected of them for peaceful living.

3. It Is for Everyone

Unlike what many people believe, a prenuptial is not just for the rich but for anyone who feels the need to have one. That is because every married couple needs to be open about handling both personal and joint assets. Such discussions will help you grow financially in your relationship. Also, when you divorce, the agreement will help to have a less stressful separation.

If you have fully understood the above truths about prenuptial agreements, you need to sit down and discuss it with your partner. Then, find a family law solicitor to help you draft an accurate prenup.


24 June 2021

Managing copyright issues

My brother wrote a really awesome app last year, and he got a whole lot of downloads straight away. It's been pretty awesome for him to see so many people enjoying his work. I have been helping to get him some advice on how to manage his copyright issues so that he can make the most of all of the characters and ideas that he has put so much work into. It's been really interesting seeing how much work there is behind the scenes in protecting copyright. I hope you find it useful in thinking about how to structure your own business and get relevant legal advice.