Divorce: 3 Important Guidelines For Avoiding Mistakes During Separation


If you have decided to get a divorce, you will need to separate from your partner for at least one year before the legal proceedings. This requirement is designed to prove that a couple has no reasonable probability of resuming their marriage. The separation is not a legal process, but you will need to show that your lives are apart. Therefore, this issue can be complicated and might compromise the divorce. You can avoid problems by consulting a qualified family lawyer for counsel. In addition, use the below tips to avoid mistakes during the separation period. 

Consider The Living Arrangements

Choose your living arrangements with care because this aspect will be critical in proving separate lives during a divorce. In an ideal situation, each person should live in a different house and maintain a clear life outside the marriage. However, this option might not be applicable in some situations. For example, if you and your spouse have been struggling financially, the costs of living separately can be exponential. 

In this case, you should consider being separated but under one roof. This choice can blur some lines and create an illusion of a continuing marriage. Therefore, when you file for divorce, you must file an affidavit to prove you are separated. The document should contain information about sleeping arrangements, household duties and shared outings. Moreover, it should show that you have shared news about the separation with your friends and family.

Establish A Plan For Child Care

The law prioritises the safety of children during separation and divorce. Therefore, you should ensure that you have a clear agreement to care for your children if you have any. It is advisable not to rush into signing any document on parenting agreements. Where possible, consider having an informal understanding in an amicable separation. If you want a more official arrangement, consult your family lawyer first. They will review the details of the document thoroughly to avoid pitfalls. Remember, the court may consider the parenting agreement made during separation when creating a parenting order after the divorce. 

Think About The Finances

Finally, plan for the finances during the separation to avoid prolonging a lengthy settlement process after the divorce. If you are willing, you can handle the financial aspect, even before the divorce is finalised. Regardless of your choice, you must avoid poor financial decisions during the separation. Avoid making unjustifiable expenses, and do not hide assets from your former spouse. These actions will be unfavourable to you in the final financial agreement.

Speak to a family law attorney to learn more.


21 December 2022

Managing copyright issues

My brother wrote a really awesome app last year, and he got a whole lot of downloads straight away. It's been pretty awesome for him to see so many people enjoying his work. I have been helping to get him some advice on how to manage his copyright issues so that he can make the most of all of the characters and ideas that he has put so much work into. It's been really interesting seeing how much work there is behind the scenes in protecting copyright. I hope you find it useful in thinking about how to structure your own business and get relevant legal advice.